About Me

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My name is Ashley and I am 20 years old.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Me, Kristy, Chipotle, and others...

So, since I started at Chipotle; 
I really didn't have any friends there.

Recently, I have been hanging out
with Kristy. She is our Cashier
on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

She has literally become
my best friend out here.
She and I seriously have been
hanging out almost everyday and
have done everything together.
We just dyed our hair like 3 times
this whole week lol.
My hair is fried!! :)

Tonight her brother and I are 
staying the night.
She and I work tomorrow,
and her brother is watching
her daughter tomorrow.
*he IS kinda cute ;)*

Her daughter Brooklyn is ADORABLE!
If I had a picture, she would be on here.
Shes 2 years old.

In April we are going 
to Florida together!!!
I can't wait! I am 
hypothetically jumping
with joy!!!

I cant think of anything
else to write *type*
about so I think I 
am done for tonight!!

<3 Ashley

P.S. I miss everyone!!! D:

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Me, you, and other things.

So! Here is another post!

I am happy to say, I will never
order Glittersniffer Cosmetics ever again.
After everything that has been
said and done, Ms. Carolyn Setina helped
me make up my mind.

There MIGHT be a new guy in my life.
:) Not for sure yet, but hopefully
it works out!!!!
He's a really nice guy and
I like him a lot. :)

As of right now,
I am currently watching House.
Work tomorrow needs to go well.

I've been reading
"Memoirs Of A Geisha".
It is really good so far!
I can't wait to rent the movie
to see if it is as good!!!
Everyone says it is really good.
I hope it is!

I cleaned my car yesterday.
It no longer smells like feet!
lmao!!!! Now, I need to clean
my room so it is just as clean!

:) Thats all for now!

*peace love happiness*

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Its Been A While.

Im sorry it has been a while.
Theres been so many ups
and downs lately that I havent
found much time for anything.

Work has been better.
I just about quit the other day,
but I sucked it up and decided
not to.
Some co-workers and I
went to dinner and a movie
 the other day as a way of
getting to know eachother
better. I had a lot of fun.

I have learned some things,
and taught some things.
I know I havent learned
anything about myself.

 I lost 3 pounds!
I know Im all over with this
post but I havent posted in
a while so Im trying to get it
together tonight even though its not

Well its dinner time so
Im going to go eat!!!

*peace love happiess*

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Glittersniffer and other things!!!

Today, the family
went out to celebrate my
grandparents 50th
anniversary and my birthday!!!!
I had a great time tonight.
I had a great dinner
and dessert.

The only bad thing was
gratuity. 18% = 54 dollars.
I mean, really?!

So!!!!! In an hour and 25 minutes,
I will be 20!!!!!!!
Im so excited!!!!!!!!
Some friends from work
and I are going to the movies
and out to dinner! :)
Im kinda excited since
I havent hung out with them
outside of work before.

Now, after my blog,
Im going to choose some
eyeshadow colors for tomorrow,
re-do my toenails, choose some
clothes, and get some sleep!

Steelers are gonna kick
some ass tomorrow! I cant
wait to see who wins!!!!

Welllll, time to go for now!
Peace Love and Happiness!

<3 Ashley!
P.S. Go Steelers!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

:D I love this song and other things!!!!

So here I am at 10 at night
listening to The Beatles!
I love the Beatles..

Today was a great day.
I got off of work early,
went to the bank,
dyed my hair again,
and that was it.

I wasnt feeling to well earlier,
but I feel ok now. Maybe
I was just hungry??? Idk lol.

So, today was my first day back
to work in 2 days because
of the snow. It was busy!
Its a good thing though!!!
I kept busy and not as frustrated
as I usually would be!
*I was kinda mad but
got over it fast*

So, tomorrow the Familia
is going tout to eat for my
Grandparents 50th
Then Sunday!
*insert -dun dun dun- here*
Is my birthday!!!!
and the Superbowl of course!
D: So much going on!!!!!

:D home-made soap that is!!
I can't wait to use it!
Owner Ms. Shayna Toole,
is a great friend I met
Glittersniffer Cosmetics!
Definitly check them both
out on facebook!

<3 Ashley!
P.S. Go Steelers!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Problems... what to do?

So, I've been feeling kinda
lonely lately. I dont know
what to do anymore.

Could it be because I'm
not in a relationship

Is it because I want to be with
someone I cant have?

Is it because Im
just.... me?

All these questions I have
confuse me. I know the
answers but I decide against them,
and confuse myself even more.

Why do relationships have to be

I dont know.

<3 Ashley
P.S. Go Steelers!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

blahblahblah- SNOWPOCOLYSPE 2011!


So, I had the day off of work. I went plowing with my neighbor!
I made 20 dollars just sitting there!
 The easiest 20 bucks Ive ever made! :)
No seriously though, I had a lot of fun.
I made funny noises when he would
push snow into a pile. It was funny!

All this snow kinda bums me out.
Why cant we all have nice 75
degree weather and be happy?
I kinda just wanna move to Florida or
Georgia and never leave.
Hello warm weather!

This snow is so deep, my dog couldnt
walk. He had to jump the whole
time lol. He looked kinda
like a dolphin when it swims.
*bobble bobble bobble*

We might not have to work
tomorrow. Hopefully not
because I wont have a way to get their.

Dear Mother Nature,
I really dont like you
right now. Please leave
as soon as possible.

<3 Ashley!
P.S. Go Steelers!